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Rinspeed BamBoo (Foto: Rinspeed)
Rinspeed BamBoo (Foto: Rinspeed)

BamBoo – 70s Lifestyle reloaded

The Rinspeed BamBoo transfers the lifestyle of Saint-Tropez in the 70ies to the present: The easiness of living and the delight for the simplicity. In contrast to the performance competition of today’s automotive industry, the Bamboo wins with its clear and elementary composition and invites for an easy cruise. However, the Bamboo is not a retro car: The bodywork completely made out of fiber-reinforced composites, the efficient pure electric drive with state-of-the-art battery technology and the different smoothly integrated functions make it to a demonstration platform for various future technologies.

The engineering team of ESORO has realized the 12th concept car for Rinspeed. ESORO was the general contractor and responsible for co-project management, engineering, the implementing of the novel technologies, the design and rendering, as well as the realization of the Rinspeed BamBoo.

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